} CPI(M) MP's Bill Blocked by BJP, Trinamool's Silent Role: A Political Analysis

CPI(M) MP's Bill Blocked by BJP, Trinamool's Silent Role: A Political Analysis



The proposed constitutional amendment bill by Kerala CPI(M) MP John Brittas to control the powers of the Governor faced strong opposition in the Rajya Sabha. The blockade by the BJP and the silent role of the Trinamool Congress have created a stir in political circles. This dramatic event and its potential impact on the current political landscape are analyzed below.

The Proposal and Necessity of the Bill

The main objective of John Brittas' bill was to limit the powers of the Governor so that they do not function as an institution beyond the constitution and operate within the constitutional framework. This proposal was timely and necessary as the role of Governors in various states has become increasingly controversial.

The Importance of the Bill in the Current Context

Under the central government’s rule, the controversial role of Governors and the tendency to use the Governor’s office to trouble the state government when a rival party governs the state is becoming evident. In this situation, Brittas' bill is extremely important to protect the federal structure of the country.

Trinamool's Silent Role

The absence of Trinamool Congress MPs during the presentation of the bill was particularly noteworthy. While ministers and leaders of the Trinamool government in West Bengal are engaged in disputes with the Governor, their inactivity in the Rajya Sabha became evident. This proves that Trinamool and BJP are two sides of the same coin, and that coin is named RSS.

The Similarity Between BJP and Trinamool

Although there are ideological differences between BJP and Trinamool, their behavior in political matters shows a lot of similarities. Both parties have repeatedly disregarded the constitution and democratic processes for their interests. Trinamool's silence and BJP's obstruction in the Rajya Sabha regarding Brittas' bill prove that they do not hesitate to disregard the spirit of the constitution.


Brittas' constitutional amendment bill to control the powers of the Governor is timely and logical. This similarity between Trinamool and BJP is harmful to the country’s democratic framework. The necessity to limit the powers of the Governors and protect the constitution is now a demand of the times.

In a democratic system, the main objective of the constitutional amendment bill is to ensure the Governor’s powers are in line with the constitution and to prevent central government interference. Through this bill, CPI(M) is trying to secure the country’s federal structure. However, the joint opposition by Trinamool and BJP proves that they are working not for the interests of the people but for their interests.

There has been a strong reaction in political circles regarding this incident. CPI(M) believes that central interference through the Governor should be stopped and the Governor’s powers should be limited through constitutional amendment. On the other hand, Trinamool's silence raises questions about their position.

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